Frequently asked questions

Everything about CustomBlocks and its features. If you don't find an answer to your questions, contact us on Twitter @customblocks or by mail on

Why not no-code?
We're big fans of no-code, however our early customer targets are developers. We plan to release no-code features along the way (Version 2.0 👀) and made the template syntax as easy as possible (you might learn some light coding-skills along the way), try it out 😊. If you're not sure how to use everything, check out the docs here or contact us.
Do you store any data from my Notion?
We don't store any internal data from your Notion workspace. We only store the templates you write, the connected workspace-name, workspace-icon, workspace-id and the api-access-token. All your data you see is fetched fresh from Notion and directly sent to your browser.
More Answers comming...
Let us know, if you have any questions! 😊